Visit often, new things always being added

A sample of my handcrafts for sale

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hey there!  I wish for you a GREAT WEEKEND!  I've done my part to enhance it for you!  I've worked fairly intensely for the last two days to make, organize, pack up & upload all of the following for you.  It all started with a tutorial I watched which inspired me to get to work on the idea for this.  I've had the winter blahs as a lot of folks do after the holidays and with the dull colder winterish weather.  I'm just not a person that does well when the skies are gray.  I so need the yellow sunlight!  So, with that in mind I went to work on a rather spring-like thought to brighten your mood (and mine!).  Thereby, all of the following was born just for you, my followers. 

We'll start with the FREEBIES!  I have 5 sets of new GARDEN TAG elements for you today!  Each set includes 5 tags which are png files at 300 dpi.  They can be easily resized larger or smaller.  The photos used on these were taken by me of my plants growing in 2010 in my flower beds, hanging pots, planters, and around my home.  I'm always snapping pictures of pretty things in bloom or just nature in all its glory, so this was a good use for some of those.  My thoughts for you are along the line that perhaps you can use one or so on a spring or summer layout to brighten up a spot on your page.  I also made a couple of these with photos of my grandkids in them and titled the tag with "Seedling", "Sprout", etc., but we'll look at that another day.  Okay, here we go with the previews and download links:





Whew!  Happy yet?  All of these tags have room for some journaling on the triangular bottom area, and some are blank at the top so you can add a title, some I added a title to already.  They do not have a drop shadow so you can add that when doing your layouts if desired and be in control of the shadow adjustments.  Alrighty then.  Now, here we go on to 7 more sets of these which I have selected to put in my MASON JAR.  You're going to say, "She saved the best for the Jar", and I kind of knowingly did.  I promised myself to work more intensely on this project for my little grandson this year by making a lot more to include there.  So, I hope you will see fit to support my efforts occasionally in this by taking a look in the JAR when you visit here, and grab something once in awhile that takes your eye! Each of these sets is only $0.75 and each set contains 5 different tags.  Should you purchase, just enter your email in the space provided, and you'll receive the download link by email from me within 24 hours of your payment.  It's very easy to use these buttons if I have them working correctly.  Should you find a button that is not working, just let me know in the comments section or by emailing me so I can fix it promptly.  I try to check them as I post, but occasionally I find one that just didn't copy in correctly.  It's usually my fault, I am not a guru of html code know-how.  LOL!  I do get there eventually though.  Okay, here we go with the previews, etc.

MJP_Garden Tag Set #1

Enter Email Here

MJP_Garden Tags_Set #2

Enter Email Here

MJP_Garden Tags_Set #3

Enter Email Here

MJP_Garden Tags_Set #4

Enter Email Here

MJP_Garden Tags_Set #5

Enter Email Here

MJP_Garden Tags_Set #6

Enter Email Here

MJP_Garden Tags_My Sampler Pack

Enter Email Here

There you have it, two full days of devoted digi-work!  If you made it this far, you are loyal and I LUV ya!  The downloads are from box.net, so they are easy, quick, and without delays or annoying pop-up ads, etc.  I love them!  I know you will appreciate my using them too!  Spread the good word about them to others who do file sharing and uploading of files.  Their free account works beautifully.  There are a few space and file size limitations to the free account, but I can work with it.  I've been with them for a good while now, and in my book they seem like quality!  - - - Leave me some love if you like my freebies!  I read all comments and thank each of you who take time to leave me a message.  It means so much to know that somebody will enjoy my labors, really!

I had a freebie for Australia Day on Feb. 26th, but I didn't get a chance to blog; but I'm going ahead and post that anyway in the next few days.  Shoot!  I didn't mean to miss giving that to my Aussie buddies in a timely manner.  Sorry about that.

I hope all this makes sense; I'm such a night-owl but sometimes wonder how I have any brain power left at these late hours!  LOL!  Our weather is cold (40's is cold at the beach), dreary gray, and drizzling rain; just not too pretty right now.  I'm thankful though that I'm not having to deal with being buried in tons of snow.  My dad is nearing 88 yrs. of age and preparing next week to have laser cataract removal of his eyes, one at a time.  He and mom have such a hard time traveling through the snowy weather to nearby cities for their doctor and hospital appointments that it scares me to even think of them out in the winter hazards trying to maneuver at their ages.  A younger neighbor has offered to drive them to this surgical appointment which will require an overnight stay before returning home, so I hope that works out okay.  If it doesn't, I will motor a day's journey north for a few days to do their driving for them.  Burr!!  Dad will be so much better able to see when his two eyes are done!!  That surgery has come a long way from the olden days!

We had a huge pot of mixed beans for dinner (navy, pinto and black beans) and some yummy cornbread.  I flavored the pot of beans with fatback plus cajun seasoning, onion powder, and butter.  I think they were the best pot of beans I've made to date!  My hubby is a country boy and loves his beans!  I ate too much and got lazy after dinner.  Sweet cornbread is one of my weaknesses!  I think I'll add a photo page to this blog for plain pictures, so watch for that.  I shot those beans cooking; I do crazy things like that - they were pretty as they boiled!  LOL!

With that, I'm going now.  Stay inspired!  I'll be back soon with more goodies for you.  Winter is such a good time to create new things.  I'm trying my hand at more elements, frames, and have a lot of great templates to come your way.  Check in here often.  Give a shout in the chat box on the right to let me know you stopped by.  In the meantime, I will keep the goodies coming at you!  See ya soon!



Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the beautiful freebies. You have been working hard. Love them.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the freebie!!! I've also let my readers at Scrap Trends know that you have a freebie, so that they can come visit your blog to grab it.