I have a very simplistic but elegant FREEBIE for you today; oval season accent frames! I'm very proud of my little design efforts and the tips and tricks I'm learning along this digital adventure in PhotoShop Elements. I've learned to use so many functions in the software I didn't even know existed. I think you'll like these and perhaps find them useful when you desire to be simply elegant with your layouts. I have a hard time myself remembering that "less is more", although I've heard it all my life. I have a tendency to overdo everything I touch. Am I alone here??? There are four png files (one for each season, duh), 300 dpi, basic black. You can, of course, recolor and resize these quite easily. I'm trying a new file sharing site for your convenience and my peace of mind right now, box.net. Please let me know if the download link does not work correctly since this is my first time trying their service, and I will fix it quickly. Hopefully, I've gotten it correct. Here's my preview:
My very own pet peeve when digi-surfing and downloading goodies is to get hung up at sites with so many pop-ups (even though I have a strong pop-up blocker on old faithful) that you can't even get to the download link before giving up. Not to mention names, but MF is the worst lately. It's caused me to leave without the goodie! I use 4Shared a lot, free account (because I'm financially challenged currently), and seems they have increased the wait time before the download link appears. I've learned to cope with that but don't like it because it didn't used to be that way. I suppose these changes are an effort to encourage folks like me to join a paid membership. Well, I'm a die-hard freebie user in a lot of things. So far, I like the way box.net seems to have no interference and no wait times on their free account. It does have some file size restrictions, but it should serve well for smaller file downloads. Let me know what you think, include some comments here for me, or make suggestions if you know of better sharing sites I can try. Sorry to rave on so, but I get my feathers ruffled easily these days at quirky things such as this.
Not much news on the homefront right now, summer is scorching us (I have to water my outside florals twice a day), and I can't believe it's half over so fast. Here the children return to school on August 23rd. Such a short summer vacation for them since it was well into June before they were released from tutelage! Poor dears! - We have a huge annual Carolina Classic Arts & Crafts show coming in two weeks. This is a show that travels all along the eastern states. My discounted tickets are in my inbox already, and I'm saving my pennies to attend the 3-day festivities as a shopper. Yes, those of you that know me think I should be an exhibitor, but I rather enjoy the other side of the craft table too! Haha! It's just exhilarating to be among that much handmade crafting!! Believe me, much Christmas is bought in August, no doubt!
I'll leave you with some of my recent scrapping inspirations. I've done a few forum challenges lately, and that always helps to get my mojo back up and running.
My LO for my PhotoShop Friday lesson (above) in which I learned more about text paths.
I got a little carried away, sorry! But at least I give you freebies before throwing all my own stuff at you (chuckle). Hope you had nothing better to do with your Sunday (kidding). That's it for now. I'll be back soon with more goodies for ya! Remember to stay well hydrated in the summer heat. - - Happy Scrapping!
I definitely agree with you on the pop-ups at MF and the extreme wait times at 4-shared! It really is annoying, especially when I have purchased something and it takes forever to download several things and I almost can't get them before the links expire!! Thank you for using box net, so far so good! And thank you for the great frames!!
Oh how I hear you about pop ups on MF and the waiting time on 4 shared, REALLY irritating. Love downloads from Box net.
Thanks for the great freebie frames
Thanks - yes, the frames are elegant!
i am very frustrated with 4-Shared. The wait for a freebie can be up to 7 minutes now - the more you download, the longer the wait. i know it's a ploy to make us so frustrated by the wait that we'll buy a membership, but those tactics only make me more stubborn. So, if it's a freebie i really want, i wait it out. i like Box.net, but don't know how large a file they allow. Thanks for the frames, and for using B.N!
enjoyed looking through your LOs, especially the flowers(are they yours? really gorgeous!)
thanks for sharing your designs!
Hiya Sunbum,
Your freebies are so wonderful! Not only do they never expire, they are always so elegantly and expertly done. Thank you so very, very much for sharing your fabulous talent with us. I appreciate you greatly.
-- mskinsey
PS: I also appreciate that you use Box.net. MediaFire and 4Shared have become terribly cumbersome ... MediaFire has all those awful popups and 4Shared sometimes has wait times that are horrendous. Both of them present dangers of viruses now and then. So thank you for using a great download service, which I use, too. Pretty soon I hope to be making my own freebies available via my blog and Box.net. I just need to get a scanner! :-)
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