I'm really making an effort to be a more regular poster and get all these freebies out to you peeps! I'm actually "digi-benging" - LOL! Have I coined a new word there? My girls used to do that all the time growing up, they practically spoke in a language of their own combining two different words to make a new one of their own or making up a new meaning for an old word and coining it into their time among friends. For example, "crust" or "crusting" my girls used to mean lounging in relaxed clothes or pj's and watching TV, reading, or talking; simple taking it easy or off totally. They used the word/words so much that eventually everbody around them used it(them) too!
My body is tired tonight. I've been helping my DH paint the interior of a 2-bedroom condo in our neighorhood. We are trying to finish it up before the weekend. It's a large one, two story. I think we will stay on schedule.
I'm packing a duffle for a short trip soon. My 87-year old Dad is receiving an honor in our hometown for his military service. My dad is probably one of the oldest veterans living there now. The organization bestowing this honor on my Dad has arranged for my brother from Phoenix (who is also retired military) to give the speech at the upcoming festival when this will happen. I figure I'd better make the trip and be there for this. Afterall, getting an honor doesn't happen every day, at least not in my family. LOL! The festival complete with parade, a beauty pagent, and lots of homemade crafts and fine cooking is known in my hometown as "The Dandelion Festival". Over the years since it's inception, this festival has gained popularity and become an event the tourists appear there to take in. Oh yes, it's also hosting a mud-bog! (That's a 4-wheeling, 4-wheel drive race in the mud for you city folks.) Anyway, I decided just this week that I should attend. So the clothes are going back in the travel bags quickly, and not so many of them this time.
My oldest grandson did really well during this year's baseball season. His team got as far as the first game of the championship playoffs before they got defeated. The important thing was that I noticed how much improved and more relaxed my grandson was playing this season. It was his second season. He loves baseball best, then football, and I think basketball third. The way he can kick a ball, he should take up soccer!
We have had rainy weather for the last two days, lots of storms which don't last long but are very heavy and put down a ton of water fast. There is one out over the ocean coming at us from north-east from up Cape Hatteras way. It should be a doozy if it gets here tonight! Should probably cut my computer off tonight as I go to bed. We get a lot of quick electrical jolts during thunder and lightening storms here in the tropical south. Not good for the computer even if it is hooked into a surge protector.
Oh, enough of my ramblings for tonight, hey? On to the
I've been designing lots of templates recently, so I hope to keep them coming at you one or two each week. I think I've already gotten my numbers all messed up on my previews, but I know this one is #4 of mine. Hope you like it and can use it. Don't forget to be creative by turning the template to suit your needs or turning off some of the layers in the psd file. I'd love to see any layouts you create using it, so feel free to email them to me and I'll post them here for all to see. Here is my preview:
This is the layout I made using this template; my Mom was one week post open heart surgery!
Here are a few of my own recent pages if you need any inspiration. I scrap for a lot of challenges in various forums I visit, but half the time I miss getting them up in the galleries before the deadlines, so here are just a few. . .
I received inspiration for the above page from another layout I saw in a gallery, so I tried the challenge template which had three photo mats merged together to spread a photo over. I liked the idea, so this is what came out of it. The background is my own photo of tire tracks on our sandy beach here. That turned out cool. I think the font is called "Waves" and is probably from
dafont for free.

This page was made using
"Spring Boheme" by JW Digi-Scraps which is available at Divine Digital or probably Enchanted Scraps. Janice Ward has her designs (which I love) in several great stores. This is an ode to my camelia. Long story! I have a camelia bush which I planted long ago. The bush looks great most of the year, and here they bloom in January like this. However, my bush goes through its cycle and then when the blooms come, they all drop off to the ground. Can you imagine the ground being covered with gorgeous blossoms like this? If any of you more professional gardeners know the reason for this dropping of the blossom before its time, please get in touch with the answer for me! Somebody suggested I should feed my bush more iron supplement throughout the year.
This was another challenge template which I filled up with recent pics of the gorgeous wisteria in bloom this season. Aahh, the blossoms of spring are one of my favorite things!
And this is a very cool Quick Page I came across and decided to insert myself into it as it seemed to fit my spiritual nature. That's a candid shot of me with no make-up sitting beside my Mom's bed in the hospital right after her surgery. I'd been days without much sleep traveling and so on.
Well, that's it for this evening ya'll. I'll be back really soon with more free goodies. Catch you then. Thanks every one of you who bothers to leave some love. It's much appreciated and very inspiring.